

アバフェルディ 1991 28年 シングルカスクネーション


項目 内容
カテゴリ シングルモルト
瓶詰め業者 シングルカスクネーション
シリーズ -
年数 28
蒸溜年 1991
瓶詰年 2020
カスクタイプ バーボンホグスヘッド
度数 42.7 %


Color: Reflective gold

Nose: Classic Aberfeldy: Sweet barley cereal notes up front with a lovely creamed sugar quality right alongside it that ultimately gives way to Liquorice All-Sorts, fresh honeycomb and a faint cedar note

Palate: Creamy with more discernible barley cereal, dried cherries, and a distinct herbal component before drying oak frames the rear of the palate as it transitions to the finish

Finish: As the palate dries there’s a pleasant saltiness, dried barley cereal and ground grey pepper

On the label: A classic example of older Aberfeldy. Barley is never far away while sweetness and creaminess lead the drinker from nose to palate to finish. But where does that saltiness at the end come from?


